Holoptelea integrifolia, Planch.
Family : Urticaceae
Common Name : India Elm Tree
Telugu Name : Nemilinara

General :

A common tree throughout the state, but less so in the forests than in open cultivated lands and near villages and town. Recommended for plantations in sandy soils or loams, gravelly sub-soil with good drainage as the roots do not withstand stagnant water. Identified by whitish grey bark exfoliating in long irregular flakes, unequally rounded base of the leaves and samara fruit.

Flowering :

January to February.

Fruiting :
April to May.
Morphology of the Fruit / Seed :
Fruit is a samara (winged) nearly orbicular, 2 cms in diameter, on a slender stalk, wings membranous, tip bifid and lobes incurved.
Seed collection and Storage :
Fruits are plucked off the felled branches, cleaned and dried in the sun. Seeds do not retain their viability more than 7 to 8 months.
Seed Biology :
No. of seeds per Kg.
Germination percentage
Plant percent
No. of seedlings per Kg. of seed
25,000 to 28,500
70 to 80
15,000 to 17,000
Pretreatment :
Not essential.
Nursery Technique :

The fresh seeds soon after collection are sown on the primary bed during April to May covered with a thin layer of soil. Stiff soil should be avoided and regular weeding and loosening of the soil should be carried out. Overhead shade is necessary. Seedlings are transplanted into the polybags in June to July. One year old seedling is planted out.